How to Wash Out Enamel Paint Off Brushes

It is annoying as well as tiring while you're thinking of getting rid of enamel paint from your brushes.

We know the deal, buddy. Even if you're thinking of finding ways, knowing which alternative to choose is another hassle.

So, it's common to ponder on How to clean enamel paint ?

Well, you can use mineral spirit/ liquid fabric solution/ vinegar solution/paint thinner and let the brush soak on it. Then just wait patiently for 20-60minutes and bring it out. Now, just wipe off the excess solution and let it air dry. And you're all good.

In this article, we've dived deep into the 4 alternative methods to clean the enamel paint off your brushes. Just hop in-

how to clean enamel paint

How to Remove Enamel Paint from Paintbrushes? 4 Ways

Let me guess the situation here, you're trying to get rid of the enamel paint off your brushes but the paint won't come off. Ugh! Frustrating right?

We exactly know how stubborn enamel paint can be. But drop your worries because we've got your back with 4 alternative methods to remove enamel paint from your brush.

Before going right to the methods why not look at which method you should follow based on the paintbrush you used?

On point right? So, just check it out.

Paintbrush Type Removal Method
Natural Bristle Brush Mineral Spirit/Paint Thinner/Vinegar
Synthetic Bristle Brush Liquid Fabric Softener/Paint Thinner

Now that you've got a clear vision on which alternative is for you based on the brush type, why wait? Just scroll down and your problem will be solved in no time.

Use Mineral Spirit

If you're looking for the perfect method to wash enamel paint from paintbrushes without harming the natural bristles then this is the right method for your pal. But we thought you'll need to be equipped before moving to the steps.

So here's a list of tools that you'll need-

  • Mineral Spirit. (link to Amazon )
  • Glass Jar. (link to Amazon )
  • Dish Soap.  (link to Amazon )
  • Towel. (link to Amazon )

Now that you're well-equipped, just follow the steps and you will get rid of the paint-

Step 1 of 2: Soak the Brush in Mineral Spirit

First things first, just take a glass jar and put your brush inside. Now take the mineral spirit and pour pour pour, until it reaches the root of bristles.

But if you were planning to dip the whole brush on it, then it's a big NO. Because the brush handle consists of paint itself. So the solution might take off that paint as well. And you obviously don't want that right?

If not then be a bit careful while pouring the spirit on the jar. So, after you've done with the dipping part let it sit for 20 minutes.

Step 2 of 2: Bring out the Brush

Tick tock, times up. Enough torturing the paint residues, just bring the brush out and wrap it like your newborn.

Wait for 5mins and wipe any excess spirit on it using the towel. And Voila! Your paintbrush is clean as new.

A quick tip is to clean the brush with normal dish soap before reuse. It will help in cleaning any spirit on it.

Use Fabric Softener/ Detergent

"Synthetic bristles are easy to wash" if you've heard it before then you're absolutely correct. All you need to do is follow the steps-

Step 1 of 2: Dip the Brush in Liquid Fabric Softener

Well if you still see any spot of enamel paint on the paintbrush then it's time to soak the brush in a wonder solution.

Yes, you read it right. But to make the wonder solution you'll need-

  • 250ML of Liquid Fabric Softener/Detergent.
  • 250ML of Water.

Now it's time to bring out your inner chemist and mix the aforementioned ingredients together. And here you go. The wonder solution is just ready to be used. Put your brush on the solution. Remember to place the brush in an upside-down position to make sure that the bristles are well soaked.

No wonder, you have to wait for your "wonder solution" to do actual wonders. So be patient for an hour and the result will surprise you.

Step 2 of 2: Let the Brush Dry

After waiting patiently for an hour, it's time for the big reveal. The paint came off right?

Didn't we mention that the solution does wonders? See, we weren't bluffing.

Now just air dry your brush and use it wherever needed without any worries.

Use Vinegar

So, vinegar is quite popular for cleaning right? As we're talking about cleaning enamel paint off, how can we leave vinegar behind? Why not make a DIY vinegar solution then? For that, you'll need-

  • 1 Cup of White Vinegar
  • 1 Cup of Distilled Water

Now, mix these together and wait 30mins. After the mentioned time, you'll have brushes that look as new as when you bought them.

If not, just repeat the process until all the paint is gone.

Use Paint Thinner

If the previous methods couldn't fulfill your purpose and kept you wondering how to clean enamel paint ?

Well, the procedure is quite simple. Just take a glass jar and fill it halfway with the paint thinner. Put your brush on it and wait for 15mins. Then shake the brush to let all the remaining paint dissolve in water.

Take it out and put it on a sheet to dry. See, the brush is ready to be used.


Question: How to clean enamel paint from the brush handle?

Answer: To clean the paint off the brush handle you'll need to use paint thinner. Just soak the brush handle on the paint thinner and wait 15 minutes. The paint will come off by then.

Question: How to protect my hands while using a paint thinner?

Answer: Well, to protect your hands from the thinner, make sure to use gloves. Even after putting the brush out do not let any dripping thinner touch you.

Parting Words

That's all from us. Hope you have a clear idea of how to clean enamel paint from your paintbrushes.

It's time to put that knowledge to work. We would love to hear which method worked for you. Do leave a comment.

Thank you!!

How to Wash Out Enamel Paint Off Brushes


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