Pictures of Cute Anime Cats

How to Make Homemade Cat Repellent

Cats are cute, but they're also little wrecking crews in a home or yard thanks to their natural tendencies to scratch and mark territories. Instead of expensive concoctions, make your own cat repellent to get the job done.

Spray Repellent for Carpet and Furniture

Cats detect smells far better than humans. Try these DIY spray recipe ideas for furniture and carpets that won't create pungent odors (or stains) in your living spaces, according to Color Glo, a furniture restoration company that specializes in pet damage:

  • Fill a spray bottle three-quarters with water. Add a few drops of clear dish detergent (not blue or green), ten drops of eucalyptus and lemon essential oils. Shake well and spray lightly on and around furniture.
  • Fill a spray bottle equal parts with vinegar, liquid hand soap and water. Shake well and spray. The vinegar smell dissipates fast but not to your cat. Vinegar won't stain furniture. It's also a good homemade dog repellent, according to The Nest.
  • Cats hate citrus, says The Nest. Fill a spray bottle with water and ten drops of lemon or orange essential oils and spray.

Non-Spray Repellent for Furniture and Carpet

Keep your cat from damaging furniture and carpet by scratching or from defecating without using sprays:

  • Put small pots of herbs around your furniture to deter cats. Rosemary is a natural feline repellent, so is rue, lavender, chives and garlic.
  • Keep more than one scratching post near your furniture. Scent the post with catnip or add a dangling toy on top.
  • Cats are drawn to leather, and they'll instinctively scratch it, states The Nest. But sprays may not do the trick, making material wet. Cover the furniture with a plastic drop cloth until your cat doesn't find the leather appealing anymore.

DIY Cat Repellent for Yards and Outdoor Spaces

Cats yowling and marking their territory in your yard isn't so cute. These solutions will keep cats out:

  • Spray: Mix one part peppermint essential oil to three parts water, put in a spray bottle and apply all over the yard, deck and patio.
  • String: If cats are climbing over fencing, run string around the tops to make it hard for them to walk along.
  • Aluminum: Cats hate aluminum pans and foil. Wherever you see cats coming into your yard or hanging out, attach a disposable aluminum pan to a stick or stake, but let it loose enough so it blows in the breeze. The noise of the pan will make cats run.

If all else fails, install a motion-activated sprinkler to repel not only cats, but other night prowling wildlife.

Citronella Deters Outdoor Cats

Cats universally hate citronella, according to Color Glo. Mix one part citronella oil to four parts water and spray outdoors. Use citronella candles. Anything citronella keeps cats and mosquitoes away.

It's a myth that using toxic mothballs, especially as a homemade rabbit repellent, will deter animals, including cats, from your yard.

Other Ways to Repel Cats

Try deterring felines with these tricks, as offered by The Nest:

  • Aluminum foil: Since cats hate the feeling and noise foil makes, you can place strips down near your furniture to keep your cat from scratching your couches and chairs.
  • Tape: Put double-sided tape on the carpet or furniture and your cat won't come close.
  • Runner: Put a runner, nubby side up, where your cat is causing problems to discourage activity there.
  • Cans: String some empty cans together and hang them near furniture and carpet. The sound sends cats running.

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Pictures of Cute Anime Cats


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