The Old Will Grow Young Again Scripture

In our youthful culture, we fear and avert aging. We fight wrinkles, color gray pilus, and focus every attempt on staying young. Just what does the Bible say about crumbling? Here are ix Bible verses nearly age.

Genesis 25:8

The first time nosotros see a reference to aging in the Bible is in Genesis, with the begetter of Israel.

"Then Abraham breathed his last and died at a adept onetime age, an old man and full of years; and he was gathered to his people." (Genesis 25:8, NIV)

The previous verse tells u.s. Abraham was 175 when he died. This tells us old age is skillful, and that when people die and their family mourns them, that is the advisable response.

Resource: Clean Classics Movie Guide

Leviticus nineteen:32

Grand Daughter Embracing Her Grand Mother | Pure Flix

Amusement ofttimes portrays the elderly equally feeble or foolish, only that isn't how the Bible says we should view them.

"Stand up upward in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly, and revere your God. I am the LORD. (Leviticus 19:32, NIV)

Teach children when they are young to treat the elderly with respect. Fifty-fifty body linguistic communication should be respectful. Young children who may not understand the heart tin can notwithstanding open doors and accolade older family members with their actions. The Bible equates respecting elders with reverence for God.

Job 12:12

One of the benefits of old age is the lifetime of noesis and experience that comes with it.

"Is non wisdom found among the anile? Does not long life bring understanding?" (Chore 12:12, NIV)

Seek counsel from those who possess wisdom and have the worldly noesis that comes from a lifetime of experience.

Psalm 92:14

Older Couple Laughing Together | Pure Flix

One reason people fright aging is that they feel they will outlast their usefulness.

"They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and light-green." (Psalm 92:xiv, NIV)

Aging isn't fading away. Many spend their retirement years serving others, enjoying their families, and making a divergence in ways they couldn't when they were younger.

Proverbs 23:22

We should honor our parents, not just when we are children, but as they historic period.

"Heed to your father, who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old." (Proverbs 23:22, NIV)

Equally some people attain adulthood, they begin to experience they know more their parents. Fifty-fifty when you disagree with your mother and father, always treat them with respect.

Psalm 90:12

Each mean solar day is precious, no thing how many of them God grants us.

"Teach us to number our days, that nosotros may proceeds a heart of wisdom." (Psalm ninety:12, NIV)

Instead of fighting against the number of years that have gone buy, approach each day as an opportunity to bring God glory.

1 Kings 3:14

Practise yous want to live longer? Obey God.

"And if you walk in obedience to me and keep my decrees and commands as David your father did, I will give you a long life." (1 Kings 3:14, NIV)

The Bible links post-obit the principles in the Bible with longevity.

Deuteronomy 32:7

Nosotros should remember previous generations.

"Retrieve the days of erstwhile; consider the generations long by. Ask your male parent and he will tell you lot, your elders, and they will explain to you lot." (Deuteronomy 32:7, NIV)

Honor scripture by sitting down with an elderly family member and soaking up their knowledge. Enquire nearly their family members and consider recording their stories for future generations.

Isaiah 46:4

God's faithfulness endures no affair what our historic period.

"Even to your old age and grey hairs I am he, I am he who sustains yous. I have made you and I will conduct y'all; I will sustain you and I volition rescue you lot." (Isaiah 46:4, NIV)

Aging isn't something we take to fearfulness. We can e'er count on God to protect us. Every day spent in relationship with him is precious, and he promises to be with u.s.a. from showtime to finish. The Clean Classics Movie Guide provides a reference for those seeking movies focused on living a life that honors God every day.


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